Does Rogaine help? YES!

This was the solution for me!!!

I started using Regaine after my experiences with Propecia were not so good.

After a short period of shedding, i could not only see that there was less hair in the sink when taking a shower. I could actually see that there was a little more hair growing ... even on pictures I could see that clearly. It took about 3 - 4 month until I started to notice those results.

I used Regaine for about 4 years and was pretty happy with it.
And that i stopped - because i had a serious relationship, and as together with my girlfriend basically every night. And somehow i didn't want to tell her about my "little problem". And it's not really possible to keep it a secret when you are living together with somebody. You can smell it a little when you have regain in your hair!!! Smells a little like in a hospital ... I guess it's the alcohol in there or something. It doesn't even smell bad, ad it wasn't a problem when I was alone ... but, well ... I'm sure my girlfriend would have noticed it pretty quickly.

But - hey ... it worked, and I'm in a really great relationship, now :-) So I am really glad that I found Rogaine ... and that it worked. Any questions? Just write a comment ... can be done anonymously ;-)

Well, so I stopped taking it ... and after about 4 - 5 month, I started loosing hair again pretty quickly.

So quickly that after a while i simply bought a hair trimmer - and cut it to 5 mm :-)
This one here if you're interested in it :-)

And you know what? I don't mind getting bald any more :-)

I'll tell you about it here... .